Interdisciplinarity – An Imperative of Lifelong Education

  • Sofia CĂPĂȚÎNĂ, Dr Trade Co-operative University of Moldova
Keywords: interdisciplinarity, education, lifelong learning, competence


Interdisciplinarity is a way of organizing the objectives, contents and methodologies of lifelong learning with implications on the entire curriculum design strategy, providing a unitary picture of the phenomena and processes studied in the subjects of accounting, analysis, audit and integration of all defining components of the three courses.

Lifelong learning at an interdisciplinary level encourages direct collaboration and exchange between specialists from different subjects, focuses on the educational process with the application of active-participative technologies in lifelong learning, and contributes to sustainable and meaningful learning through ongoing interactions between subjects, through the explicit relevance of the competencies formed in relation to personal, social and professional needs.

This article is drawn up within the framework of the project 597889-EPP-1-2018-1-MD-EPKA2- CBHE-SP "Towards European University Lifelong Learning Model in Moldova" (COMPASS). This project has been funded with the support of the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ program. The support of the European Commission for the production of this article does not represent an approval of the content which reflects only the views of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made based on the information contained therein.
