Lecția de limbă nematernă

Comunicarea în limba română fără bariere și atitudini preconcepute

  • Eugenia MINCU Institute of Romanian Philology, Chisinau, Moldova
Keywords: non-native language, Romanian, medicine, linguistic-terminological approach, didactics


A non-native language lesson to students in Medicine is one that, first and foremost, highlights the Romanian language. Given the existence of bilingualism in the Republic of Moldova, which inspires an ambiguous attitude towards Romanian on the part of speakers of other languages, this objective is achievable by implementing a distinct teaching perspective. This involves arousing interest and cultivating respect for the Romanian language, increasing the level of motivation in the study of medical terminology in Romanian, highlighting the personality of the student and the personality of the teacher, etc. The present article proposed a new approach to the process of studying Romanian, a non-mother tongue, based on Coșeriu's theory, according to which in order to know the language it is necessary to know not only the language but also the designated "things", which individualizes medical language and medical communication.
